COVID-19: How can Video Conferencing and AV work for you in this crisis?

Visualising and accepting the new reality

Life isn't quite what it used to be for any of us right now. With most of us blocked from maintaining our old routines and workflows and those of us in technical industries often kept, separated from familiar, everyday technological tools that invisibly helped us work.

Messy home office desk.jpg

While this whole saga is undeniably painful and destructive, it's essential to recognise and where possible, appreciate the opportunities for any positive change too. For example, Video conferencing platforms have blown up as they provide a vital way for the human race to communicate through the COVID-19 barrier.

CO-Video conferencing to maintain productivity


Productivity in some sectors has skyrocketed, with commutes abandoned and home offices popping up in every neighbourhood. Here at Spartan Audio Visual, we've had to adapt ourselves. We've realised that despite installing and integrating AV and VC, it's something that played a relatively small roll in our internal communications structure. That is, until now.

Whatever challenges your business faces, in whatever sector, we are here to help you. We're confident we can offer novel solutions, whether with purely Audiovisual, Videoconferencing or combining both.

Talk to us:

  • Please talk to us, even if it is just for advice.
  • Please talk to us, especially if you don't know what you need.
  • We will always do our best for you.

We understand what it means to build a business, a family, from the ground up. We understand how it feels when that work comes under external pressures that are entirely out of your control.

Here are some ideas we've thrown together to give you some ideas on how we could help:

Corporate AV & VC Solutions:

Teams, Zoom and more supported…

Teams, Zoom and more supported…

  • LFD signage displays, with or without built-in alcohol gel dispensers
  • Temperature sensor integrated screens
  • Quick turnaround of previously open-plan office spaces into video conferencing / presentation areas
  • Temporary video conferencing systems to replace events or support important meetings

Retail & Hospitality AV Solutions:

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  • Installing outdoor screens, lighting and sound systems to make use of all the space you have
  • Excellent deals on long term hire of temporary equipment
  • Servicing and maintenance packages available now, while you can take advantage of any downtime
  • LFD signage displays, with or without built-in alcohol gel dispensers

House of Worship AV and Streaming Solutions:

Stream live to popular platforms, or record to distribute later as you see fit…

Stream live to popular platforms, or record to distribute later as you see fit…

  • Solutions for streaming services
  • Installation of screens and sounds systems to secondary, overflow areas to allow for increased capacity while social distancing
  • LFD signage displays, with or without built-in alcohol gel dispensers